Preparing your files for mixing.
In order to provide the best service for all artists and producers, we have very strict requirements for session file organization. This will allow us to spend time mixing, avoiding hours of editing and organizing. If these guidelines are not followed an hourly charge will be added to the final bill.
01. Be sure your session is cleaned up and all your tracks are named.
02. Go to the file menu and select save session to new folder. Make a new folder on you drive and name it accordingly. Near the bottom of this dialogue box you will see an area named items to copy make sure you choose the all audio files option.
03. After this has completed close this session and open the copy you just made.
04. Make sure that all virtual instrument and midi sound sources have been recorded or bounced into the session as audio files and are placed in the proper locations so they will be included in the procedure you are about to do.
05. Turn on the all group option from the groups menu.
06. Choose the selector tool and highlight from the end of the session all the way to the left most position at the beginning of the tracks.
07. Now with all the audio tracks still highlighted go to the edit menu and select consolidate selection. This will make all the selected files the same length start to finish.
08. Click on the audio menu located above the regions bin and choose the select > unused regions. Now click on the audio menu and choose clear selected. When prompted delete these unused files.
09. Go to the audio menu again and choose select all.
10. Go to the audio menu again and choose export selected as files.
11. Change any attributes if needed and where this window shows "destination directory" click choose. Make a new folder on your hard drive and open it with the provided button so you are looking inside of the folder that was created and press the "use current folder" button.
12. Press export and when it is done save and close.
13. The folder you exported to is now the folder for delivery and contains all the single length audio files.
14. Repeat this process for each song.
15. Upload your folders to us
01. Be sure your session is cleaned up and all your tracks are named.
02. Good news! We mix in Nuendo, so Cubase sessions and Nuendo sessions are a breeze.
03. If your project uses any midi tracks or VST instruments, you will need to commit them to audio files. We may not have your specific VST instruments.
04. Select File>Save Project to New Folder (located in the file menu)
05. Repeat this process for each song.
06. Upload your folders to us
01. Be sure your session is cleaned up and all your tracks are named.
02. Select File>Export>All Tracks as Audio Files (located in the file menu)
03. Don't change the bit depth. Use whatever depth you recorded at.
04. Wave or AIF formats are fine.
05. The folder you saved to is now the folder for delivery and contains all the single length audio files.
06. Repeat this process for each song.
07. Upload your folders to us