The Behind the scenes of Denice Heyward‘s Photoshoot which took place in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY was filmed by Masar Tv.
Read MorePosts in category Behind The Scenes
Harvard Law School Professor Glenn Cohen Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
I. Glenn Cohen is an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He is also a co-director of Harvard Law School’s Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics.
Read MoreJudge Andrew P. Napolitano Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
What a great pleasure I had to work with Judge Andrew Napolitano. I’ve learn a lot from his 2 hours speech on Supreme Court cases and US constitution. He also gave me one of the best piece of advice I ever received: “Surround yourself with great mentors because you’re the average of the 5 people […]
Read MoreAttorney Gary Reing Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Great interview with Gary Reing the immediate past chairman for the Lawyers Assistance Program for New York City Bar Association.
Read MoreLaw Attorney Christine Mott Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Christine Mott is a commercial law attorney in private practice in Manhattan. She is the Chairwoman of the Animal Law Committee of the New York City Bar Association, previously serving as the Committee’s Secretary and Member since 2007 Also read: NYU law professor Richard Pildes Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv Attorney General […]
Read MoreColumbia Law School Professor Richard Briffault Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Masar at the Columbia Law School filming an interview with Professor Richard Briffault. The interview was conducted by Suraj Patel who worked as an Advance Associate at The White House, in various capacities on both Obama Campaigns, and researched policy for the US Office of the Trade Representative.
Read MoreLawyers Eileen Travis & Meredith Heller Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Masar Tv at the New York City Bar Association filming an interview with experts Eileen Travis & Meredith Heller on helping lawyers with addiction to get back on track.
Read MoreMasar filming an interview with law professionals
Masar setting up two Lav Mics before filming an interview with law professionals discussing a wide range of topics.
Read MoreA Mafia “King Of My City” | Directed by Masar
A Mafia “King Of My City” Produced by Araab MUZIK and Directed by Masar with Cameo by Dj KaySlay. Behind The Scenes Edited By MasarTv is now available
Read MoreJR Writer “First 48” Documentary | Behind The Scenes Filmed by Masar
A few deleted scenes from the JR writer’s Documentary. Produced by WSHH and Directed by Masar Tv this JR Writer mini documentary is in the same vein as the “A Day In The Life” WSHH video series and has been premiered on the worldstarhiphop feature box. Masar Tv follows JR as he leaves jail after serving a 2 […]
Read MoreWSHH presents: JR Writer “The first 48” | Documentary Directed by Masar Tv (3 million views on WSHH)
JR Writer “The first 48” Documentary Directed by #MasarTv reached 3 million views in 3 days !!! Reaching three million views in such a short amount of time was far beyond our expectations. Thanks to Q (CEO of @WorldStar) and all the media outlets worldwide for supporting our work. It is truly appreciated. Produced by WSHH […]
Read MoreBezells ”Reality” | Directed by Masar (Now on WSHH)
Long Island based Rap artist Bezells just dropped a new visual for his emotional song “Reality” which is a dedication to his lost brother Kaleik ‘Brickz’ Anderson. @BezSaucey ”Reality” (Kaleik ‘Brickz’ Anderson dedication) Directed by @MasarTv and Starring @BikeLife_Cirocy
Read MoreBezells ”Skip To The Lou” | Directed by Masar (Now on WSHH)
Now on World Star Hip Hop. Bezells (@BezSaucey) “Skip To The Lou” Starring @WhitneyWilliams26 | Directed by @MasarTv
Read MoreJR Writer Live on HOT 97 (Now on WSHH) | BTS filmed by Masar coming soon
Masar Tv on set this morning at Hot97 Radio filming the behind the scenes of J.R. Writer‘s first interview and freestyle since he has been released from jail 2 days ago.
Read MorePascal Sevegny “Days Without Sun” | Directed by Masar | Edited by Loraa (Coming soon)
Exclusive behind the scenes images of Pascal Sevegny’s Music Video for “Days without sun” Directed by Masar. DAY #1: @MasarTv at @forgottenworksstudio directing @PascalSevegny new visual “Days without sun”. Thanks @budgetmusicvideos. DAY #2: @MasarTv in @prospect_park Directing @PascalSevegny new visual “Days without sun”.
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