Sindanu Kasongo journalist from Rap Mag (The Biggest Urban Magazine in Europe) & Masar Tv has collaborated together to bring you a special Harlem/Diplomats edition. This issue include interviews from: Duke DaGod, Araab Muzik, Ron Brownz, Forty Cal, Lady Of Byrds, Charlie Clips, Shiest Bubz, Herb McGruff, UnKasa, SquareOff, Jim Jones, Freekey Zeekey, Donny Goines, and much more.
The Magazine is available in every book store in the following countries: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Greece, Polynesia, Caledonia & French Overseas Department Such As Martinique, Guadeloupe,Guyana, and Reunion Island.
Also Check out this Masar Article on Rap Mag
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