I learned so much during the filming of Judge Jenny Rivera interview. This is one of my best interviews that I’ve filmed so far. The Honorable Jenny Rivera had an amazing story to tell. Her mother didn’t get passed the 5th grade, came to the US and worked at factories her whole life but her daughter still made it as an Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals which is the highest court of New York City. You don’t get that in many other places!
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Columbia Law School Professor Richard Briffault Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Columbia Law School Professor Richard Briffault Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Columbia Law School Professor Richard Briffault Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
Columbia Law School Professor Richard Briffault Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
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Harvard Law School Professor Glenn Cohen Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv
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Columbia Law School Professor Richard Briffault Interview | Filmed by Masar Tv